Historical share prices

 Year Q1 (Mar. 31) Q2 (Jun. 30) Q3 (Sept. 30) Q4 (Dec. 31) Notes

Share price

Share price
Share price
Share price
Rights /
2022  60.50  27.0  60.68  34.0  59.81  34.0  65.95  34.0   
2021  30.44  22.0  37.78  22.0  40.03  22.0  45.62  27.0   
2020 15.91 22.0 21.84 22.0 15.94  22.0  24.16  22.0   
2019 36.48 19.0 36.26 19.0 34.50 22.0 34.45 22.0  
2018 34.12 16.0 43.7 19.0 41.80 19.0 34.59 19.0  
2017 40.52 15.0 37.80 16.0 39.86 16.0 39.23 16.0  
2016 43.39 14.0 40.88 15.0 41.04 15.0 46.71 16.0  
2015 50.05 13.0 48.25 13.0 42.28 14.0 45.08 14.0  
2014 51.48 13.0 56.23 13.0 52.91 13.0 50.05 13.0  
2013 41.52 12.0 40.15 12.0 45.23 12.0 47.04 13.0
2012 45.32 12.0 42.59 12.0 45.25 12.0 42.73 12.0  
2011 49.54 11.0 44.92 11.0 37.64 11.0 45.39 11.0  
2010 39.23 10.0 38.78 11.0 38.99 11.0 40.58 11.0  
2009 45.80 10.0 45.12 10.0 40.75 10.0 40.66 10.0  
2008  53.80 9.0 56.16 9.0 45.58 10.0 40.99 10.0  
2007 42.80 8.0 49.59 9.0 49.29 9.0 53.80 9.0  
2006 41.91 8.0 40.78 8.0 37.47 8.0 42.93 8.0 Note 7
2005 30.67 7.333 34.01 8.0 44.67 8.0 38.47 8.0  
2004 19.62 7.333 20.80 7.333 21.83 7.333 23.72 7.333  
2003 15.82 7.0 15.80 7.333 16.93 7.333 19.18 7.333  
2002 15.82 7.0 15.76 7.0 15.30 7.0 14.95 7.0  
2001 38.45 19.5 38.85 21.0 42.75 21.0 44.31 21.0  
2000 30.00 19.5 36.15 19.5 39.00 19.5 39.45 19.5  
1999 28.70 18.5 28.00 18.5 30.75 18.5 31.00 19.5  
1998 26.72 18.333 25.80 18.5 23.30 18.5 24.55 18.5 Note 6
1997 21.42 18.333 23.58 18.333 26.53 18.333 30.67 18.333  
1996 17.88 16.666 19.20 16.666 19.23 16.666 21.50 18.333  
1995 16.58 15.0 17.0 15.0 16.67 16.666 16.46 16.666  
1994 14.96 15.0 13.50 15.0 14.29 15.0 15.42 15.0 Note 5
1993 15.96 15.0 15.88 15.0 15.96 15.0 14.92 15.0  
1992 12.75 15.0 14.62 15.0 14.38 15.0 13.54 15.0  
1991 18.04 15.0 17.79 15.0 17.75 9.0 13.33 15.0
1990 20.45 15.0 18.21 15.0 22.13 15.0 19.54 15.0  
1989 17.92 15.0 18.79 15.0 20.0 15.0 21.33 15.0  
1988 19.75 15.0 18.54 15.0 16.67 15.0 16.67 15.0  
1987 22.00 13.5 24.33 13.5 25.00 13.5 18.54 15.0  


            17.17 13.5  
1985             51.00 1.65  
1984             42.38 1.45  
          37.13 1.40  
1982             28.75 1.40  
1981             25.50 1.40  
1980             32.88 1.40 Note 4
1979             44.25 1.15  
1978             25.13 0.97  
1977             21.50 0.90  
1976             22.13 0.82  
1975             22.75 0.80  
1974             21.88 0.80  
1973             40.00 0.80  
1972             49.13 0.60  
1971             31.13 0.61  
1970             20.13 0.54  
1969             17.33 0.54 Note 3
1968             53.80 2.10  
1967             53.80 2.10  
1966             57.63 2.00  
1965             52.50 1.85  
1964             57.75 1.75  
1963             44.13 1.55  
1962             43.88 1.40  
1961             50.25 1.40  
1960             37.75 1.35  
1959             36.75 1.20  
1958             45.00 1.20  
1957             40.50 1.20  
1956             55.50 1.20 Note 2
1955             39.12    
1954             40.00 0.90  
1953             28.00 0.80  
1952             35.00 0.75  
1951             39.00 0.65 Note 1
1950             27.00 0.55  
1949             23.00 0.50  
1948             20.00 0.50  
1947             15.00 0.50  

Historical prices for 2002 - current prices reflect 3 for 1 split effective May 23, 2006
Historical prices for 1986 - 2001 reflect 3 for 1 split effective May 15, 1998
Historical prices prior to and including 1985 do not reflect any share splits

1 December 20, 1951, rights issued, one share @ $29.50 for each 10 shares held
2 December 5, 1956, rights issued, one share @ $44.00 for each 20 shares held
3 January 16, 1969, four for one share split
4 June 12, 1980, rights issued, one share @ $33.00 for each 5 shares held
5 April 20, 1994, special dividend declared of $3.00 per share
6 May 15, 1998, three for one share split
7 May 23, 2006, three for one share split

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