Dividend reinvestment and optional share purchase plan

Key features of this equity investment option are provided below. For additional information, refer to the full plan terms available through Computershare’s self-service online portal at www.investorcentre.com/imperial

Dividend reinvestment option

Shareholders may choose to have dividends on all or a specific whole number of their Imperial common shares used to purchase additional shares. Visit the Computershare Trust Company of Canada’s (“Computershare”) self-service online portal at www.investorcentre.com/imperial for additional information and instructions to enroll in the dividend reinvestment plan.

Share purchase option

Shareholders may also choose to purchase, once a calendar quarter, a minimum of $50 worth and a maximum of $25,000 worth (in Canadian funds) of additional Imperial common shares. You can find the required downloadable forms and additional information and instructions at www.investorcentre.com/imperial

Principal features of the plan

This plan is available to registered shareholders of Imperial. Those shareholders that hold their shares in non-registered or beneficial form should contact their broker to see if this option is available.

All registered shareholders are eligible to participate in the plan. If you are not already enrolled in the plan, you can do so by filling out the enrollment form either (a) online via the self-service web portal of Computershare (Imperial’s transfer agent) at www.investorcentre.com/imperial or (b) via paper enrollment form returned to Computershare. 

Brokerage fees payable on any share purchases made by the company on a stock exchange or other alternative Canadian market will typically be less than the fees normally charged for small share purchases, the responsibility for which will be with the shareholder. Imperial will absorb all other administration expenses related to the plan.

Computershare will maintain an account for each participant in the plan. Statements showing the number of shares in an account will be mailed to participants on a quarterly basis.

Participants may sell their Imperial shares directly from the plan — without having to take a direct registration statement (DRS) advice or share certificate to their own investment dealer — by submitting a request through www.investorcentre.com/imperial or by completing the required portion of the voucher located on the reverse of the periodic account statement and sending the notice to Computershare. The proceeds of such sale, less brokerage commissions, administrative fees and applicable taxes, if any, will be paid to the participant by the transfer agent.

Those who wish to terminate participation in the plan can do so at any time by submitting a termination request through www.investorcentre.com/imperial or by sending written termination notice to Computershare.

All enrollment forms, termination requests, requests for sales of shares held in the plan and all other plan account inquiries should be sent to Computershare via the self-service online portal (www.investorcentre.com/imperial) or at: 

Computershare Trust Company of Canada
Attn: Dividend Reinvestment Department
100 University Ave, 8th Floor, North Tower 
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2Y1

Further information on the plan can be obtained by writing to: 

Imperial Oil Limited
Shareholder Services
505 Quarry Park Blvd. SE
Calgary, Alberta, T2C 5N1

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