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Norman Wells
Contact information
Call us at +1 867 587 8011
Our facilities include producing wells drilled from natural and artificial islands, and a central processing facility, which also generates electricity for the town of Norman Wells.
Ongoing Operations
Imperial plans to continue operations at Norman Wells past 2025. As a result, Imperial is pursuing a standard 10-year term extension for its water license with the Sahtu Land and Water Board (SLWB) and its operations authorization with the Canada Energy Regulator (CER).
The Commission of the CER will hold a public hearing for the operations authorization application. (Application for Variance of Operations Authorization 1210-001)
The Notice of the Hearing (OH-001-2023) can be found here:
Imperial’s Operations Authorization application can be found on the CER website. Aside from the proposed extension to the term of the operations authorization, Imperial is not requesting any changes to the operations authorization as no material alteration to Imperial's operations at Norman Wells is planned.
A hard-copy of the application will be available in English from 8am to 4pm Monday thru Friday at 750 Mackenzie Drive, Norman Wells, NT X0E 0V0.
Please call +1-867-587-8055 in advance due to this office being co-located immediately adjacent to an industrial facility to ensure we maintain a safe environment for personnel as well as members of the public.
Line 490 Corridor Replacement Activities
Imperial filed an additional application with the CER to replace five lines between Goose and Bear Island within the Line 490 corridor of the Norman Wells Operations, using a horizontal directional drilling method.
The Commission will endeavor to hear these applications through a single, coordinated hearing process. A single hearing process to consider both applications will maximize regulatory efficiency, reduce potential duplication of process for all participants, and provide a comprehensive process for the assessment of relevant matters.
Details of the combined hearing process for the OA Variance application and the Replacement Activities application are outlined in this letter and Hearing Order OH-001-2023 on the CER website.
Imperial’s Line 490 Corridor Replacement Activities application can be found on the CER website.
Emergency Response
Should an incident occur at the Norman Wells site, well-defined plans and emergency-response capabilities are in place, which include access to specialized equipment and trained personnel. To ensure we are always ready to respond, emergency teams conduct regular drills and simulations.
Imperial maintains a community awareness program that involves all nearby residents. Imperial representatives will contact all residents close to our operations if required during an emergency or if any day-to-day operations could impact local residents.
To request a copy of the Norman Wells Emergency Response Plan, Safety Plan or Environmental Protection Plan, please contact us.
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