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An update on the Winnipeg Products Pipeline

Imperial is putting temporary transportation measures in place to maintain regular fuel supplies to the Winnipeg region following preventative maintenance on a pipeline in the area.
Imperial’s Winnipeg Products Pipeline transports gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to supply customers in the greater Winnipeg region. Imperial and third-party customers ship on the line.
Following inspections conducted in 2024, Imperial made the proactive decision to carry out preventative maintenance to ensure the continued integrity of the line. The work includes replacing a section of the pipeline that runs under the Red River, south of Winnipeg. As a result, the line will be out of service for approximately three months beginning in mid-March.
Second pipeline back in service
June 27 – Imperial has successfully brought the second of two pipelines back into service that supply various fuel products to the greater Winnipeg region between our Gretna and the Imperial and Shell Winnipeg terminals. The second line was commissioned today, and product is once again flowing on both lines.
Preventative maintenance work began in mid-March after a routine inspection found riverbank erosion to be causing stress on the pipelines. As previously shared, the proactive work involved replacing a section of the pipelines that run under the Red River, south of Winnipeg using a technique called horizontal directional drilling.
We worked closely with impacted neighbours and communities, the Manitoba government and regulators and customers throughout this process to ensure they had the latest information on the status of the maintenance work.
Our priority was returning the pipeline to service on time and in the safest, most environmentally responsible way. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we undertook this important work.
One of two pipelines back in service
May 30 – Imperial has successfully brought one of two pipelines back into service that supply various fuel products to the greater Winnipeg region between our Gretna and Winnipeg terminals. Product is flowing on the line now. Work remains on schedule to return the second line to service in mid-June. Rail and truck supply logistics continue to ensure adequate supply to the region as we finish the necessary maintenance work on the pipeline. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding over the last several weeks. Our focus continues to be returning the pipeline to service in the safest, most environmentally responsible way.
Drilling work now underway
May 13 – Imperial continues to progress important work associated with the replacement of a segment of the Winnipeg Products Pipeline. Drilling work is currently underway and being carried out by Imperial’s experienced project teams, including active engagement with the Manitoba government and Indigenous stakeholders. Before installation, the replacement pipeline is being rigorously pressure tested to ensure integrity, and the project remains on schedule to return the pipeline to full service in June. The company is looking at opportunities to bring portions of the line back online sooner to ensure we can supply fuel products to Winnipeg and the surrounding area in the most responsible, efficient way. We continue to rely on alternative supply chains to support supply in the region as the maintenance work progresses.
April 23 – Drilling work required to replace a segment of the Winnipeg Products Pipeline is now underway, marking a key milestone in Imperial’s preventative maintenance work. Drilling activities will take place over several weeks to install the replacement pipeline. The work remains on schedule and within the original time frame to support a return to service in June. Until that time, rail into the company’s Winnipeg terminal and trucking from the Gretna terminal continue to ensure Imperial’s reliable fuel supply to Winnipeg and the surrounding area.
Imperial has extensive experience using this horizontal directional drilling technology, and the work will be closely monitored by provincial regulators.
Learn more about horizontal directional drilling, a commonly used technique which minimizes impacts to sensitive or congested areas:
Update on preventative pipeline maintenance
April 11 – Following extensive engineering and geologic work conducted at the pipeline replacement site, Imperial teams have determined that drilling will take longer than originally anticipated due to identified characteristics in the subsoil and bedrock. The additional drilling time is not expected to negatively impact the forecasted outage timeline of three months.
The company is putting in place various mitigations, including mufflers and industrial noise baffling curtains, to reduce the noise of drilling activity and any disturbance to adjacent neighbours. We appreciate the patience of the community while we complete this important preventative maintenance and work to re-start the operation of this critical piece of fuel infrastructure.
Rail offloading capability for gasoline now in place at Imperial’s Winnipeg terminal
April 4 – Rail offloading capability for gasoline at Imperial’s Winnipeg terminal is now in place, an important step in the company’s efforts to ensure a continued supply of fuels to Winnipeg and the surrounding area. This capability will allow the company to redirect fuel trucks back to the Winnipeg Terminal for loading, while continuing to leverage the Gretna terminal’s expanded capacity.
The company is also continuing key preparatory work to support the preventative maintenance on Imperial’s Winnipeg Products Pipeline. Drilling equipment has been mobilized to site and the replacement pipe is expected to arrive at site next week.
Imperial will continue to take the necessary steps to provide the fuel products Canadians need, while ensuring the environment and people stay protected.
Off-loading capacity increased at Imperial fuel terminals
March 28 – Over the past few weeks, Imperial teams have been working diligently to establish new transportation and distribution mechanisms to ensure the continued supply of fuel products to Winnipeg and the surrounding area. This includes the installation of two additional loading arms as well as an additional storage tank at the company’s Gretna terminal, increasing the site’s capacity for motor gasoline. Offloading capability from rail cars will soon be in place at Imperial’s Winnipeg terminal, which will increase capacity for retailers to once again pick up fuel in a more central location.
The company continues to progress engineering and geotechnical work for the preventative replacement of a segment of pipeline. Drilling equipment is expected to arrive at site next week, and the project remains on track to be completed within the originally stated three-month timeline.
Representatives from the Government of Manitoba have been to the site of the pipeline maintenance, and the work will be monitored by the Province to support our shared goal of ensuring the continued protection of people and the environment.
Alternate supply networks, pipeline replacement design work in progress
March 22 – Imperial continues to progress measures to ensure an ample and stable supply of fuel to Winnipeg and the surrounding area. The company has confirmed rail logistics for continued diesel supply while jet supply continues to be managed by truck. Work to install additional offloading equipment at the Gretna terminal is nearing completion, which will increase the site’s daily capacity to fill fuel trucks that deliver gasoline.
These alternative transportation and distribution measures are being put in place to reduce any potential supply disruptions. Imperial will continue to take extensive actions, and leverage its supply network, to minimize impacts to the customer and consumers who rely on our supply of fuels.
The company is also progressing work on replacement of the pipeline section, with efforts underway to expedite work where possible. This preventative maintenance is being undertaken proactively to ensure the integrity of the pipeline and continued protection of the community and environment.
Preparatory work is underway, including engineering and geotechnical work. Key equipment is expected to start arriving at site this week. We are providing regular updates to neighbours and community in the area and working to minimize disruptions.
The company will be utilizing a technique called horizontal directional drilling, a commonly used approach which minimizes impacts to sensitive or congested areas like water bodies, highways and residential areas. Imperial has extensive experience using this technology across the country – including the successful and safe replacement of sections of a product pipeline in Ontario that was completed in 2022.
Imperial is keeping customers informed, providing regular updates to those impacted in surrounding communities and is in close contact with the provincial government.
Unplanned maintenance underway, alternative networks for fuel supplies in progress
March 17 - Imperial is putting temporary transportation measures in place to maintain regular fuel supplies to the Winnipeg region following unplanned maintenance on a pipeline in the area.
Imperial’s Winnipeg Products Pipeline transports gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to supply customers in the greater Winnipeg region. Imperial and third-party customers ship on the line.
Following inspections conducted in 2024, Imperial made the proactive decision to carry out preventative maintenance to ensure the continued integrity of the line. The work includes replacing a section of the pipeline that runs under the Red River, south of Winnipeg. As a result, the line will be out of service for approximately three months beginning in mid-March.
Imperial is leveraging its extensive supply network and working around the clock to minimize customer and consumer impacts. This includes arranging alternate forms of transport through truck and rail to continue to move fuel to the region and identifying other terminal locations for customers to pick up product, including at the Gretna terminal which remains connected to pipeline supply. The company has deployed additional resources to source materials and equipment and is working through permitting requirements and approvals to enable this network. Further, every effort is being made to expedite the pipeline maintenance work where possible.
Imperial is keeping customers informed, providing regular updates to impacted stakeholders in surrounding communities and is in close contact with the provincial government. We are working to ensure an ample and stable supply of fuel supplied by Imperial into the region. Imperial’s plans include:
- Gasoline – Supply to be managed by adding additional storage and loading capacity at the Gretna terminal, sourcing alternate supply by rail and truck to our Winnipeg terminal, and arranging for customers to use other supply points outside of the region where possible.
- Diesel – Supply to be managed by rail and increasing the rail offload capacity at our Winnipeg terminal
- Jet – Supply to be managed by truck
We sincerely regret the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate the patience and understanding of our customers and the community. Our priorities are the integrity of this pipeline and ensuring the continued protection of people and the environment, while minimizing disruption to our customers and the local economy.
Imperial is keeping customers informed, providing regular updates to those impacted in surrounding communities and is in close contact with the provincial government.
For additional information:
Media line – 587-476-7010