
Imperial owns 25 percent of Syncrude Canada - a pioneer in oil sands mining. With high value production and improvement actions ongoing, Syncrude is a strategic asset in our company's portfolio.

Syncrude is a joint venture established to recover shallow deposits of oil sands using open-pit mining methods to extract bitumen and upgrade it to produce a high-quality, light (32 degree API), sweet, synthetic crude oil. Syncrude leases cover about 63,000 net acres.

Imperial's share of production in recent years has averaged about 60,000 - 70,000 bpd before royalties.

Visit the Syncrude Canada website to learn more.

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We are integrated, which means we do business across all stages in the oil and gas journey. We explore for and produce oil and natural gas and transport it to our refineries, where we make it into products Canadians use every day.