
Community investment

Our goal and strategy

We seek to contribute to the social and economic progress of the communities in which we operate and believe that respecting human rights, managing our impacts on communities and making valued social investments are integral to the success of our business.

Our focus areas

  • STEM Education

    Supporting programming that inspires and prepares youth to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers.

    GHG in cloud icon GHG in cloud icon
  • Indigenous reconciliation

    Establishing and maintaining respectful relationships to support strong Indigenous communities.

    medicine wheel medicine wheel
  • Environment

    Supporting innovation and collaboration to reduce environmental impacts to land, air, and water.

    land and sea representation icon land and sea representation icon
  • Healthy communities

    Supporting the people and communities near our operations.

    group of people icon group of people icon

    Why we invest

    Shared value is the foundation of our partnerships. While meeting community needs, we also use the following criteria to guide our investment decisions:

    1. Strengthens relationships with our community members and other external audiences
    2. Results in positive outcomes in our areas of operation
      • ON (GTA, Southern Ontario, Sarnia, Nanticoke, Ottawa)
      • AB (Edmonton, Athabasca/Fort McMurray, Cold Lake, Strathcona County, Calgary)
      • Norman Wells, NWT
      • NL and Labrador
    3. Offers employee engagement and/or volunteering opportunities
    4. Supports workforce skill development and inclusion and diversity
    5. Aligns with community investment focus area(s)
    Apply here

    2023 notable metrics

    > $20.6 M

    invested in Canadian communities

    $3.22 M

    raised for United Way organizations across Canada in 2024

    Community investment

    Our social investment strategy and activities are aligned with our sustainability focus areas and are designed to influence meaningful change. Through ongoing engagement, feedback and collaboration with our partners, we are investing in shared solutions to build resiliency within our local communities. We measure impact using data-driven tools and criteria, developed in collaboration with London Benchmarking Group Canada and our community partners.

    Investing in the areas where we operate

    In 2023, Imperial supported 157 organizations, primarily in the communities and locations where we operate. When combined with recipients from our ImpACT program, more than 600 non-profits and charities across Canada received support from Imperial.*

    The map below depicts Imperial’s community contributions by showcasing our investments in local charities and not-for-profit organizations across the country. The size of the circle on the map reflects the number of organizations supported in each community.


    *Every year London Benchmarking Group Canada audits our community investment portfolio and program to help us understand the total value to community of our cash and in-kind donations, our employee volunteer hours as well as our program management costs. Evaluation of our cash donations also reflects a portion of our community benefits agreements with Indigenous communities allocated to support community project funding including Indigenous leadership and capacity building.