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Stock symbol - TSX/NYSE: IMO

    Imperial highlighted on TSX30

    Company recognized as one of the top performing companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

    2024 highlights

    $4.79 B

    full-year net income

    $5.98 B

    cash flow from operations

    433 KBD

    total upstream production

    92 %

    refinery capacity utilization


    Investment scams

    It has come to our attention that unauthorized individuals have attempted to use the Imperial Oil Limited name and/or logo in online and social media ads to solicit investments. Be aware that offers or proposals communicated through social media, or online ads purporting to be on behalf of Imperial Oil Limited may be fraudulent. Learn more about fraudulent ‘investment groups.’

      Imperial Oil Limited (IMO)


      $1.08 (1.13%)

      3:27pm ET